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Ask HN: HNers who got their “Show HNs” on homepage, how is your site doing now? | Hacker News.Ask HN: What do people use to prevent crawlers? | Hacker News.How to create a private Ethereum network | Hacker News.GitHub - toddmotto/public-apis: A collective list of public JSON APIs for use in web development.Show HN: Teachcraft – Learn Python through Minecraft | Hacker News.A vulnerability rating of your IP address | Hacker News.Broadpwn: Remotely Compromising Android and iOS via a Bug in Broadcom’s Wi-Fi Chipsets | Exodus Intelligence.How We Resurrected a Dragon - Features - Source: An OpenNews project.Porting an historic Python2 module into Python3.GitHub - bpesquet/thejsway: The JavaScript Way book.Live Free or Dichotomize - Hill for the data scientist: an xkcd story.

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For November 23rd … /4/boo…īookmarks for November 23rd … /4/boo…

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